Our Innovative Final Products:

RubberJet Powder™ - RJP™
RubberJet Granules™ - RJG™
Using the innovative
High Pressure Water Jet (HPWJ™) Technology
we produce de-vulcanized Powders and Granules with the highest Quality and Purity Level.
Our high purity granules and powder can be inserted back into the compounds for various products as a
substitute for the natural rubber

Benefits of our
Top Quality
Very high Purity and Quality product.

Reducing The Use Of Raw Materials
Best High Tech
Our products are produced using 100% environmentally friendly technology and have unique technical & chemical properties.

Top Performance
Due to the high content of Natural Rubber and the percentage of Devulcanization.
Green Benefits
We help our customers to achieve their Sustainability Goals.

Reducing Deforestation
We provide our clients who purchase RJP™ and RJG™ a certification proving how much CO2 emissions they saved by using our products instead of using raw materials such as Natural Rubber.
Our rubber powder (RJP™) and granules (RJG™) can be applied in many different industries. Please find below a several examples.



Chemical Activity of the Material: our RJP™ rubber powder and RJG™ granules have a convex-concave surface morphology allowing a very high surface-to-weight ratio that facilitates its chemical activity. These qualities in our powder/granules are evident at microscopic level (see the picture above) when compared to the powder obtained using traditional mechanical or cryogenic processes, therefore making our powder/granules similar, albeit not integrally, to that of virgin natural rubber when mixed with other components for different products and applications.
Application examples
Tyre Industry
High purity of our products allow them to be inserted back into the tyre compounds therefore making our product a perfect fit for the Tyre producers.
Regenerated compounds (or 99% devulcanized compounds)
Devulcanized Rubber Compounds

Rubber Compounds
of various kinds that use synthetic and/or natural rubber
Shoe production
Regenerated rubber powder (RJP™) and granules (RJG™) can be used in the production of various parts of shoes - namely soils

Sports Flooring
Our products are the perfect substitute to the natural rubber and other virgin materials in the production of the sports fields and other sports flooring.
Asphalt Production
Our products can be used as an additive for modified bitumens for asphalt production